Mindful Parents | The 8-Week Mindfulness Course for Parents


Mindful Parents (based on .b Foundations) is an 8-week training for parents who wish to learn the foundations of mindfulness. Delivered in school and designed to be accessible and relevant for busy mums and dads. Contact me to learn more & discuss how Mindful Parents can fit into your school.

Course Overview

Initially a one-off taster session for parents is recommended. This introduces the basic principles behind mindfulness, dispelling any myths about it and offering a chance to try out the practice. It also sets out the proven benefits of engaging with mindfulness, along with the proviso that commitment and patience are required.

If a group of parents wish to explore mindfulness further, the eight session .b Foundations training is offered, delivered in school to optimise access for busy mums and dads.

The training is based on the core mindfulness principles found within the course book Mindfulness, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, by Prof. Mark Williams and Danny Penman. However it also comprises the dynamic pedagogy of the .b curriculum.

The training is designed with parents in mind, and the particular challenges they may be familiar with. It offers an alternative to traditional Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) courses, with shorter sessions and home practice designed to be accessible for busy mums and dads.

We recognise the value of including parents in a school's move toward a whole-school culture of well-being that positively benefits its individuals, their relationships and the community.

By the end of the course, participants should be able to use mindfulness to:

  • feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled

  • get on better with others, including children, partners and colleagues

  • work more effectively by bringing increased awareness to the process

  • increase resilience in the face of stress and difficulties

The course aims to make mindfulness accessible to all parents wishing to learn mindfulness and is thus priced accordingly.

Please contact me to learn more and discuss how Mindful Parents can fit into your organisation.

*Course description adapted from '.b Foundations' at mindfulnessinschools.org