.b Foundations | The 8-Week Mindfulness Course for School Staff
Training for school staff who wish to learn the foundations of mindfulness and develop their wellbeing, resilience and performance. Delivered in school and designed to be accessible and engaging for busy educational professionals.
Course Overview
8 x weekly sessions of 90 mins
Guided mindfulness practices, reflection and group activities
Home practice between sessions
Course book and handouts
Develops staff well-being, resilience and relationships
Prepares staff for mindfulness teacher-training
By the end of the course, participants should be able to use mindfulness to:
Feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled
Get on better with others, including students and colleagues
Work more effectively by bringing increased awareness to their role
Increase resilience in the face of stress and difficulties
.b Foundations is based on the core mindfulness principles found within the course book Mindfulness, Finding Peace in a Frantic World, by Prof. Mark Williams and Danny Penman. It also comprises the dynamic pedagogy of the .b/paws b curricula for children and teens.
The training is designed with education staff in mind, and the particular challenges they may be familiar with working in educational settings. It offers an alternative to traditional Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) courses, with shorter sessions and home practice designed to be accessible for busy educational staff.
Support/non-teaching staff are strongly encouraged to participate in the course alongside teachers; we recognising the invaluable role that all members of the school community play in developing a mindful culture.
Initially an Introductory Session for staff is recommended before individuals commit to attending a course.
Teaching Mindfulness to Pupils
This course is not a training to teach pupils. However, staff completing the course who develop a regular practice and feel inspired to teach mindfulness to students are eligible to attend a Teach .b or Teach paws .b certification course with Mindfulness in Schools Project.
Evidence & Articles
Please contact me to learn more and discuss how .b Foundations can fit into your organisation.
*Course description adapted from mindfulnessinschools.org