Privacy Policy (Child Friendly Version)

Who am I?

My name’s Will, and I run my own business called Will George Mindfulness. If you want to contact me, either you or your parent, guardian or teacher can email me at

What information do I collect about you?

When I teach mindfulness I need to know some things about you first. That’s so that I can make sure that mindfulness is going to be helpful for you. I don’t tell anyone else what you, or what your parents, guardians or teachers tell me about you, unless I’m worried about you or someone else. If I’m worried I will talk to your parent or guardian, or you teacher or other professional adult who is there to take care of you. Sometimes I might ask my own teacher for help to help you, but if I do that I won’t tell them your name.

Sometimes I might ask you to write some things down. That could be signing to say that you want to take part. Or it could be letting me know what you thought about the mindfulness classes. Sometimes I might ask you to fill in forms before and after the classes to check whether they helped. If I tell anyone else about what you wrote I won’t tell them your name.

Any information that I have about you I keep safe, so if it’s on my computer it needs a password to open it, or if it’s on paper I keep it in a locked cupboard. After 6 years (sounds like a long time, right?!) I get rid of any info information I have about you in a way that means no one else will ever see it.

What are your rights?

If you want to you can ask me what information I have written down about you. If I got anything wrong, you can ask me to change it and make it right.


If you have any questions about the information that I have about you, just ask! You, or your parent, guardian or teacher can email me at

If your parent, guardian or teacher wants to know more, they can click here.